John Blatt
Serving clients Throughout IndianapolisAbout
I learned early on that I don’t like bullies. It’s more than that really. I dislike those who abuse their power to take advantage of others. This perspective led me to study all aspects of leverage, including the physical through martial arts, the financial through economics, and ultimately, the legal. I wanted to rebalance the scales in favor of the disadvantaged to preserve justice.
With over a decade of practice both as in-house counsel and in the courtroom, I realized that there are precious few opportunities to accomplish this goal. Most of the time, money tends to drive outcomes. I saw this repeatedly in my career. At the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, I witnessed the defendants who couldn’t afford private counsel get convicted and with longer sentences. In private practice, I helped lenders steamroll borrowers using legislation that they lobbied for years in advance. As general counsel for a national membership organization, I saw a near perfect correlation between a company’s revenue and its security.
After years of this, I was exhausted and burnt out. The levers available to me as an insider weren’t enough to effect any real change. I realized that the best way for me to drive balance was by starting my own firm where I can bring my experience to those who need it most. So, I left a very comfortable position as general counsel and started Blatt Law Group, LLC.
Now I get to help clients in a variety of ways, be it employment law, business consulting, real estate transactions, or on regulatory matters. My passion though, is helping protect small and midsized businesses from cyber criminals. I do this at rational rates because protection from cybercrime should not be limited to what a company can afford.
Truth is, there are a lot of charlatans selling cybersecurity snake oil. Don’t believe the hype—no tool will make you 100% safe. It’s really about being safer, which can be accomplished by developing sound policies and implementing quality practices. And this is what I do.
If cybersecurity keeps you up at night, we should talk. I can help and it won’t cost an arm and a leg.